

Round Lengths

10 minute first round, 5 minute second round.
90 second interval between rounds.


Fights are judged in their entirety.
No draws are possible, the judges must pick a winner.

Knees, Elbows, Stomps & Soccer Kicks

Stomps and soccer kicks to the head of a grounded opponent are not allowed, but they are allowed to the rest of the body. Though if both fighters are on the ground, they are allowed to the head.
Elbows to the head are not allowed.
Knees to the head of a grounded opponent are allowed.
If there is a 15 kg or more weight difference between the fighters knees to the head of a grounded opponent are not allowed.
Ground position in DREAM means a three point position (both feet and one hand). So for example, if a fighter has both knees and one hand on the floor, then no kicks to the head are allowed.

Weight Classes

63 kg – Featherweight
70 kg – Lightweight
76 kg – Welterweight
84 kg – Middleweight
93 kg – Light Heavyweight
93.1 Or More – Heavyweight


Rules And Fight Durations

There are no official rules in English at this time but the rules are basically the same as Pride without soccer kicks, which means that knees and stomps to the head of a grounded opponent are allowed but no elbows to the head.

The fight durations are the same as in the UFC with three five minute rounds during normal fights and five five minute rounds during championship fights.

Weight Classes

60 kg – Bantamweight
65 kg – Featherweight
70 kg – Lightweight
76 kg – Welterweight
83 kg – Middleweight
93 kg – Light Heavyweight
93.1 Or More – Heavyweight

  1. Fight-god
    May 24, 2009 at 2:29 am

    i like how sengoku has adopted Pride rule, with at least stomps to the head of a grounded opponent, but whats up with banning soccer kicks in both leagues?

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